Sunday, April 25, 2010

Week 3, 23rd April

Today, i have also been exposed to a new task, which is unloading. Unloading in power plant means to fill up the distillate that have been used for power generation purpose and the minimum level of the distillate storage in the tank must be 70 % from the maximum. The tanker will come to the power station and the distillate will have to be checked before it's being filled.

For my first time, i have the chance to have a close look about the tanker and finally i know the tanker is not what i think all the time. The big tank is actually divide it into a few compartment and then i climb up top to take a look for every compartment. The sample of every compartment will be taken in which will used to determine the purity and density of it.

As the unloading process was going, i was being explained by the person in charge to know further about the machine that we will use for the whole process.

The worker is unlocking the lock

Abang Yukaimi is taking the sample of distillate oil for every compartment

The purity and density of distillate oil is being tested for every compartment

The unloading of distillate oil starts

Week 3, 22nd April

The whole day spent on connecting the ventilation fan motor for gas turbine hall. It was a suffering work as u need to do it under the hot sun as it is at the roof and the heat that come from the gas turbine. We able to finish connect 4 out of 5 of the motors as the heat that generate from gas turbine make us feel uncomfortable and slow down the process.

Abang Razak is connecting the wires for the motor

Week 3, 21st April

The 2 CMs (corrective maintenance) that do today is drum screen wash pump motor and lighting system in gas turbine. For drum screen wash pump motor, it is stated that current is hunting, means unstable. A free run test is done and the motor is functioned. Hence, further checking is required. For lighting system, we were required to do the functionality test or troubleshoot to check what is defect.

In the evening, we had done the BOP (balance of plant) motors PM inspection. We were required to take the reading of the motor’s temperature and bearing vibration. The motors that we inspect are service water make up pump motor, demineralized water transfer pump and sea water booster pump.

Sea water booster pump motor

Demineralized water transfer pump motor

Week 3, 20th April

Due to the request from the admin staff, we were required to install a new fax cable line at the admin office. The wire goes through from the ceiling of the admin office and reaches the connection point. The connection of the wire must do carefully as the wire is life.

In the evening, I and abang Fadzli checked the transducer in the power transformer as the reading of the measurement is out of range. After a round of checking, we found out that the problem is the transducer problem. A new transducer will be replaced when the ordered transducer reached. Other that involve is Mr. Tai, control and instrumental technician.

Tap changer for a power transformer

Friday, April 23, 2010

Week 3, 19th April

In the morning, we had been instructed by En. Sharif to install a new streetlight near the guard house as the old light had defect. A skylift track is used to bring us up. The process of installing did not go as smoothly as expected. After taking out the old light, the wires that connect the circuits went into the hole of the post. We need to use a long wire to pull it out and it wasted a lot of time. After the wire successfully taken out, the installation process went smoothly and testing is done. The light is function and job done.

Abang razak is taking out the old light.

The new light had installed.

In the afternoon, I and abang Razak were required to do the cathodic protection system preventative maintenance. We need to take the reading of control reference setting which is 1 connect resistance side and 1 at ground side and measure the voltage. For anode performance, it also requires to take the voltage reading which can directly take from the screen.

During the free time, I also taken the opportunity to check the steam turbine generator transformer protection relays at steam turbine generator control panel. This is the assignment given by Sri Daran. I had been ordered to check the relay whether it is in the list and at the side and the quantity must be correct too. Besides that, I also able to check the 6.6kV/415kV switchgear panels at switchgear room for steam turbine. Same process for gas turbine protection relays.
Calibration of protection relays at EDG

6.6kV switchgear panels

415V switchgear panels

Week 2, 16th April

The 3 ventilation fan motors that haven’t install is being installed today. This time a bigger size crane is rented and the job is finished by afternoon. This time, Zulklifi and Saw, both trainees also went to the roof to observe our work.

After the lunch, a knowledge sharing session is held at the training room. Mr. Yunos, control and instrumental supervisor share his knowledge about pneumatic actuator. It is a good additional knowledge to all of us.

The place where ventilation fan motor need to be installed

Ventilation fan motor had installed

Picture taken on the roof

Week 2, 15th April

Holiday for Malacca state...wakaka

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Week2, 14th April

En. Sharif explained to me how the power plant is operated and the function of a tap changer in the transformer. it is a good additional knowledge to me.

The PM that needs to do today will be carbon brush PM inspection. The instruction is check carbon brush and air filters. The carbon brush needs to be replaced when the measurement is less than 60mm. A normal carbon brush is 100mm long.

Abang Fadzli is taking out the old carbon brush

Abang Fadzli is installing the new carbon brush

On the left is the new carbon brush while on the right is the used carbon brush

Due to the installation of ventilation fan yesterday, the PM for water treatment plant motor PM is done today. It is required to check the on load current, insulation resistance, bearing vibration and body temperature.

Besides the PMs, the condenser fan motor for air condition 1B at center control room also not function. Hence, we need to go to do the checking. Further checking had been done and found out that the condenser 1 motor winding is short circuit and wire for condenser 2 that connect to neutral is disconnected. After the adjustment and install the new motor, both the condenser is functioning.
Mr. Tan is connecting the wire with the neutral ground wire

Abang Fadzli and Mr. Tan are installing the new motor for condenser 1

Week2, 13th April

I have been involved in installing the ventilation motor for the gas turbine hall. It is required to climb up the roof and hence, it was a little bit scary. After take time to settle, I am fine with the condition. The motor is taken up by the crane that rent by the plant. It is required to install 6 ventilation units, but due to the size of the crane that can’t reach the part of the hole, we have just finished installed 3 units. The other technicians that involved is abang razak, abang Fadzli, Mr. Tan and abang Adib.

Week2, 12th April

Today the job will be dealing with one checking and preventative maintenance. It is reported that the center control room air condition 1B tripped off after started and hence we need to check the control circuit and compress motor. I followed abang Razak to do the checking and the motor is in good condition.

Next is the steam turbine motors PM inspection. There are 2 inspections, general electrical and general physical inspection. For the electrical inspection, we checked for the on load current while for the physical inspection, we checked the bearing vibration and body temperature for the motor. There are 4 types of vibration need to be checked, that are non-driving end (NDE) X and Y axis and driving end (DE) X and Y axis. Each of them must be measured and the reading is recorded.

Week 1, 9th April

There are 2 PMs to do today, emergency diesel generator panel and fire diesel engine battery. For EDG, I and Mr. Tan do the visual inspection general cleaning and local panel battery inspection.

For diesel engine battery, we also do the same procedure. Besides that, we are required to take the reading for SG and voltage of the battery. The total voltage for a battery bank is around 24-27V.

In the evening, Mr. Sharif, supervisor of ECNI department, asked us to the control room to show how to switch on the water pump. Circuit breaker SF6 is used for 6.6kV and 415V circuit. When an accident occurred, circuit breaker is used to break the circuit.

The function of a differentiator of current is to check then three phases current is balanced or not. If it is not balance, it will sense by the current differentiator and circuit tripping will occurred.

The pump 1A is tested at the evening. Free running testing is used and after no error occurred, the connection with the shaft is connected and another testing is done. The vibration for the water pump after the repair had reduced.

Jockey pump

Diesel pump

Friday, April 16, 2010

Week 1, 8th April

Circulating water pump 1A had been left unused since November last year. Repairment had been made and the repaired shaft was installed back. All the technician from ECNI department busy with their job and i was asked to help when they needed.

In the pump hall, they also pump out the mug from the underground since it had been left unused for a long time. The installation process continue to the next day as it is a complicated system.

Week 1, 7th April

In the morning, i followed Mr. Tan to the gas turbine hall for gas turbine motor preventative maintainance (PM). In the control room, Mr. Tan explained to me that the code 88 is for motor system while code 23 is for heater system. The insulation resistance must be larger than 2M ohm and winding ohmic value must be balanced so that the system is safe.

In the evening, I followed abang Razak to circulating water pump hall to further observed their work.

Circulating water pump system description

The contractors are disassembling the pump

Week 1, 6th April

For the first 3 weeks, I am assigned to electrical department. My first task is to follow Mr. Tan, an electrical technician, to check the ventilation at steam turbine control room. In the ventilation circuit breaker system, there are miniature circuit breaker, contactor, mould case circuit breaker and relay. We were required to check the on load current and insulation resistance of the circuit breaker.

Circuit breaker system

I was also given the opportunity to observe the disassemble of the circulating water pump 1A for repair. In the evening, students from Universiti Malaysia Pahang had their visit to power plant. Trainees including me follow the trip led by Mr. Sridaran.

Week 1, 5th April

I were required to report at power plant at 8am. 4 new trainees including me were welcomed by Pn. Senah who works in Administration and Finance Department. She gave us a brief introduction about the power plant and what should we need to fulfill as a trainee during the internship period.

At 9.30am, we were asked to attend a daily meeting at the conference room. During the meeting, Mr. Suhaili, safety and security manager, briefed us about safety and precautions inside the power plant. After that, Mr. Baharim introduces us the organization by drawing out the organizational chart of this power plant.

We were told that safety boot and helmet is a must before entering the field site. We must obtain Permit to Work to start any kind of task. If we wish to enter the power plant after the working hours, permission is required. Emergency Assembly Area is where we gather when emergency alarm sounds. The area includes volleyball field as premier assembly area, and parking area which becomes the reserved one.

After the meeting, I reported to my mentor, Mr. Baharim and was given a schedule for my industrial training period. I was directed to Mr. Sridaran, ECNI engineer and he bring me to walk around the power plant to have a better understanding about the plant.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

TeNJi BuFfeT & EnD oF SeM

woohoo...finally this sem ended and i finally write something on my blog. the last time i posted is about 5 months ago...wakaka

exam time = save money time...this time realy can save a lot money coz no entertainment, no outing, no shopping...everyday at home, just spend money on daily expenses, even the patrol also can save a lot ==

but once finish exam, i decided to go to tenji since it is rm49.90 for the supper session tat start from 9.30pm-12.30am...P.S: i had hoped long enough for this tenji buffet and actually plan it before the exam finish...

in the end..only me, isaac and shengji went for the buffet..others really cant hope that much...shengji and isaac really steady, say go then sure go, wont think so much de...the way to tenji really hard as 3of us never go before...wakaka, tats y we went as early as 7.30pm and reach there about 9.00pm...i think next time no need go so early, coz it is not that hard to reach la.(with the help of GPS) ==

3 malatlou at tenji

tenji is at mount kiara...nice place, nice environment, nice night view and the most important point..NICE FOOD...and it is definitely better than and shengji keep say the food at there reli nice..haha...even the ice cream got 3 types..baskin31, haagan-dazz, and kindori...all are marvelous, but due to too full, i taste little bit and cant finish at all...== feel so sinful for wasting so much food T.T

all the desert at here(not include ice cream o)

Conclusion, tenji is definitely much much better than jogoya and i will go there again (if the price is right)...wakaka